What is the meaning of a mandala tattoo?
The mandala is a meaningful symbol that has cultural importance. The name comes from the ancient language Sanskrit and translates to "circle" or "magic circle." The designs focus on a series of circles and shapes that form intricate patterns and can be created in various forms. Deciding on a tattoo that the mandala has inspired will represent eternity, harmony, and balance. If you combine other images, such as a skull or an elephant, the meaning will be altered slightly.
What style of tattoo is a mandala?
The mandala is a style that involves a series of overlapping circles and shapes. It has been adapted to suit individuals, with each tattoo having its unique finish. The intricate patterns lend themselves well to many different forms; this includes nature and animals. They can also be created big or small and in black ink or color. This makes it a versatile and meaningful option for body art.
Do guys get Mandala tattoos?
The mandala can be inked by both men and women. It features a series of intricate patterns that form a shape or image. Some designs may appear more feminine, while others have a masculine finish depending on your taste. Men who want to show off their mandala tattoo should get it done somewhere visible, such as the leg, arm, or wrist.
What does a mandala flower symbolize?
The beauty of these mandala tattoo designs is that they lend themselves well to many different forms, including nature and animals. That said, a flower is one of the most popular and versatile images. It can be inked by both men and women and is associated with enlightenment, growth, and change. The flower can be a filler for a bigger piece, accompany a mandala design, or the mandala patterns can be created inside the shape of a flower. A mandala flower adds an interesting finish to your chosen bloom, making it visually striking and symbolic.
Mandala Tattoo Design |
Mandala Tattoo Design |
Mandala Tattoo Design |
Mandala Tattoo Design |
Mandala Tattoo Design |
Mandala Tattoo Design |
Mandala Tattoo Design |
Mandala Tattoo Design |
Mandala Tattoo Design |
Mandala Tattoo Design |
Mandala Tattoo Design |
Mandala Tattoo Design |
Mandala Tattoo Design |
Mandala Tattoo Design |
Mandala Tattoo Design |
Mandala Tattoo Design |
Mandala Tattoo Design |
Mandala Tattoo Design |
Mandala Tattoo Design |
Such is the beauty of mandala tattoo designs that they are suitable for various forms of nature and animals. For example the elephant is a symbolic animal associated with wisdom and strength. This is an interesting choice because of the meaning and beauty of this mighty being.
While you can choose to have an elephant mandala inked, using its entire body, another option is to have its head tattooed. The head can be associated with the path to enlightenment and is a symbol of good luck or protection. It also looks fantastic when accompanied by a mandala, giving it a more detailed look.